Stop Netflix Autoplaying Previews

How to stop Netflix Autoplaying Previews on all your devices

We’ve all been there. Wanting to find a movie or tv show to relax with after a hard day. You get Netflix up and start scrolling. And get shouted at by every video you pass by. It’s. So. Very. Annoying!

It also make it very difficult to actually pick something to watch. To the point that there have been times (and I’m sure it’s not just me) where you give up.

But it does not need to be this way. After the very large backlash from people wanting to stop Netflix autoplaying previews, Netflix responded. And put in a setting where you can turn it off. They just didn’t bother to advertise you could.

So, without further ado, here’s how to stop Netflix autoplaying previews and take back control.

Instructions To Stop Netflix Autplaying Previews

First you will need to log into your Netflix through a browser. These settings are not available on the app.

Step 1. Locate the avatar in the top right hand corner. Click it and then click account.

Step 2. Choose the profile you wish to change the settings on.

Step 3. Scroll down to playback settings and click on it.

Step 4. Uncheck Autoplay previews whilst browsing on all devices and click save.

Step 5. There is no step 5. Shoo. Go find something better to do!

Still Unsure or couldn’t find the right place to click? Below is a quick visual guide to help.