Professional Networking – Social Media Career Advancement

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I’m a child of the 80’s. So when I was growing up, professional networking consisted of the people you kept in your filofax. I used to see business people carrying these large tabbed books every where. If you lost it, it would have been terrible. But fortunately, we have moved on from that. Everything now is stored in our phones.

But with the growth of the internet and the rise of social media, a new challenge is faced by us all. How to we use social media to our advantage? Can it be used for professional networking to advance your career?

It’s something most people don’t think about away from their LinkedIn or Facebook profiles. But we should. Keeping a professional outlook across all your social media can earn you a job. Take a look at this infographic below from Resumes Expert. I was staggered to see that 14% of recruiters hired more people from Twitter than anywhere else! It really goes to show what you can achieve if you keep your eye on the ball and take advantage of all social media outlets.

So if you want to take advantage of Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google + and Pinterest to further your career, check out the infographic below for some great tips.

Professional Networking – Social Media Career Advancement

Professional Networking - Social Media Career Advancement